Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This is the sunset from Sunday evening.

Yesterday we decided to ride bicycles into Eureka to get some bananas.  That's me in the distance on the first stretch of paved road coming down from our "mountain."

This is Susan on the old highway a few miles from Eureka.

There were a bunch of people with old cars in Eureka yesterday (Monday) so this was a common sight.  Note the block in front of the left rear wheel to keep it from rolling down the hill.

We went to the bank, the grocery store, and the health food store then headed home.  We thought we might make if out before the thunderstorm hit but we barely made it to the outer edge of town when the storm arrived.  It was a doozey!  Lots of thunder and lightening and hard rain. 

We took shelter under the canopy of a vacant building for about an hour while the storm passed through. 

After the rain stopped we headed on toward home.  This is leftover hail from the storm.  We were through here about 30 minutes after the storm passed through.  We rode on into Fortine and got our mail.  We stopped at the church to refill water bottles then rode the last seven miles home.  The total mileage round trip was about 39 miles.  We were gone most of the day.    When we got home we met some people who were looking at land for sale across the road from us.  They seemed like a decent family and might make good neighbors.  We filled them in on the local lore and showed them around our place.  

Sunrise this morning.  The sun was a deep red (the picture didn't really capture that) which means there's a forest fire going somewhere.  It's not too close or we'd have heard about it by now.  One of our son's is a local firefighter (both structure and wildland certified).  He keeps us updated on nearby fires and we listen in to local firefighting efforts on the scanner.

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