We're also gathering background information and photos for a book we're working on. It will be about preppers/survivalists in the U. S.. We believe a lot of preppers have gotten a bad rap from the media and we'd like to offer an alternative look. We're dividing the country (continental US) into four sections and will be visiting preppers in each segment and writing about them.
As part of the book there'll also be sidebars about how people lived when there was no electricity or motorized transportation. There will be numerous sidebars with snippets of information on things like how the Mormons scouted and laid out new communities in new territory; how native populations and tribes lived (not just the foods that they ate - that one has been written to death about - but the family structure and other aspects of their way of life); how early American colonists hammered out communities in the wilderness and the skills they employed and the social structure of their lives; the diseases and other trials primitive people faced prior to our understanding of germs and the development of vaccines and antibiotics.
If you are a prepper or survivalist and would be interested in a visit from us or would like to meet someplace neutral near your home/retreat let us know. Our promise is that you will be allowed to proof whatever we've written about you and your situation prior to publishing it. You will be given veto power over it as well. If you don't like it we don't print it. You will also be given some editorial input over the section about you although if we can't come to an agreement on what to write we will just drop that section altogether. What we want to insure is that no one is portrayed unfairly in the book.
If you'd like to be included, we've written up a questionnaire seeking the information we want to include. You can respond to as much or as little as you want. We'd prefer you give details in your response and would also prefer that you respond in advance so that we can avoid those "I wish I had said ..." regrets after the interview. We do need some details however. It's hard to write a chapter with one-line responses.
Note: you do not have to reveal your identity or actual location (the book will give only four sections of the US) unless you choose to do so (it is not recommended).
I've included the questionnaire below:
long have you been a prepper?
got you into prepping?
I once heard a College Professor state that prepping (or hoarding as
he called it) stems from security issues in an individual's past.
Basically he stated that people who have never dealt with shortages
or other family or security issues in their life would feel no need
to stock up on goods or learn skills for self-sufficiency: that they
would have more trust in society, government, or family to care for
us. They would also trust in the "reliability" of the
"system" to keep functioning regardless. Do you agree or
disagree with his thoughts? Why or why not? Did you have any
shortages of security issues in your life that might have led you to
concerns in your area are you preparing for (examples: earthquakes,
forest or wild fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, train/truck
derailment/chemical spills etc., or ???)
there any events you prepare for in a greater degree than others?
what degree are you prepping: the short term, long term, or????
(Short term might be a three day emergency kit while long term would
be for TEOTWAWKI.)
your focus in the area of storing supplies? Obtaining knowledge or
skills? Becoming self-sufficient?
you have a mutual aid or support group?
a scale of one to ten with "one" meaning "not
prepared" and "ten" meaning "100 percent
prepared" how would you rate yourself in the areas of:
needs such as food, water, and shelter:
for security in the areas of personal/family safety, financial
security, health:
aside from reference books. (Is your well-being dependent upon your
or self-sufficiency skills/experience?
skills you possess?
skills you possess?
you have a prepping library? If so, give some examples of the types
of subjects covered.
are the most important books in your library (up to ten) and why are
they important?
you have tools? If so, what kind? Are they electric or hand
you have barter-able skills useful in an EOTWAWKI situation? List
you ever been in "survival" mode or needed to use your
preps? Examples?
you relocated your home for prepping reasons?
you have a bug-out location? Why did you choose this location? How
far away from your home is it? Have you made contingency plans to
get to it using alternative transportation? Have you tested these
you plan to relocate in the future for prepping purposes? If so,
where? Why don't you live there now?
are the advantages of your area in a SHTF or TEOTWAWKI?
in the U. S. do you think would be the best place to be living during
a SHTF event? Are there locations in a foreign country that would be
better? Which one and why?
are your goals regarding prepping in the areas of:
or structures (fallout shelters, storm shelters, energy efficient
homes, defensive, etc.)
goals (If TSHTF are you expecting to be able to survive as they did
in the1800's? In primitive, basically stone age, existence? Are
your preps designed to keep you living a modern lifestyle? If so,
for how long?)
do you learn new skills?
your favorite place to gain information? (Internet, books,
magazines, personal instruction, etc.?)
provisions for family, friends, neighbors, strangers? If so, what?
is your favorite part of prepping?
you a part of a MAG (Mutual Aid Group) or something similar? Why or
why not? Would you be interested in joining a group like that?
Would you want to start one? If so, what types of people/skills
would you want to recruit?
you met other preppers in the area? Why or why not? Do you want to?
you have a plan for increasing your prepping needs (food stores,
knowledge, skills, etc.)
your food stores home produced or purchased from a supplier? What
percentage of each?
your occupation or career in real life? Is it useful in the world of
your greatest fear in a SHTF event? In a TEOTWAWKI situation?
do you see as the greatest threat faced by Americans today?
THSHTF today how would you do? What about TEOTWAWKI?
To respond, leave a comment that you'd like more information. I'll send an email with contact information.
So, with that in mind: here are some of the places we stopped along the way. See if you can identify where they were taken (hint; they were either in Utah or Colorado).
So, with that in mind: here are some of the places we stopped along the way. See if you can identify where they were taken (hint; they were either in Utah or Colorado).
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